The last consortium meeting of the research project SLIK took place in Düsseldorf on April 18. The day started with a morning hike through Düsseldorf alongside the river Düssel, before moving on to a day of exciting project work. All project partners were present: Kauz, Aristech and Saarland University. SLIK was born to make it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access AI-based voice assistants by providing them with tools to generate synthetic speech data. Many thanks to all participants for their dedicated work, without which the project would not have been possible. There will be a detailed final report in the summer.
Consortium Meeting 19.09.2023
The SLIK project members met for their fourth project meeting in Heidelberg on September 19, 2023, where they were hosted by Aristech. A first version of the integrated SLIK WebService platform for linguistic data augmentation was demonstrated. Further work until the end of the project in April 2024 was planned.
Consortium Meeting 14.04.2023
Another consortium meeting of the SLIK research project took place. The three project partners Kauz, Aristech and Saarland University met in Saarbrucken to discuss further steps of the project and to present new research results. Additionally, the SLIK Advisory Board had a chance to learn all about the project status. Among other things speech recognition results were adapted onto sample domains that are typical for KMU-domains. At the end of the project a web surface will be made available, therefore we presented the first demonstration of this surface. Thank you to all who have participated in the third project meeting. The next face-to-face meeting is scheduled to take place in September 2023 in Heidelberg.
Consortium Meeting 27.09.2022
Another face-to-face meeting of the SLIK research project took place in Heidelberg. As part of the project a data-generator is gradually being developed that will make artificial intelligence accessible to small and medium sized enterprises.
The three project partners Kauz, Aristech and Saarland University met in the Aristech office building. Further steps were discussed and research results were presented. Additionally, the SLIK Advisory Board had a chance to learn about all current and future developments.
Thank you to all who have participated in this meeting. We are grateful for the productive cooperation and we are looking forward to a lively exchange over the entire project duration.
SLIK-Kickoff: 17.05.2022
On the 17th of May 2022, the Kick-Off-Meeting for the SLIK Project took place in Düsseldorf. The three project partners Kauz, Aristech and Saarland University presented their individual tasks and planned out the necessary steps to begin with integration and building an IT-architecture. The next in-person meeting is planned for September 2022.